What is Myofascial Release?


We must first define fascia. Fascia is a thin living organism sheath made of connective tissues that run through out the entire body from head to toe. You have seen fascia if you have looked at an uncooked chicken. It is a very thin fluid layer that sits under the skin and weaves in and out of the muscles and cells. 


The main function of fascia is to absorb shock, separate organs/tissues and transport fluid and nutrients through out the body. It also provides structure to our whole entire body. When in the normal healthy state, fascia has the ability to stretch and move without restriction. 


Fascia can easily get damaged by physical (fall, car accident) or emotional trauma on the body. Although, you may not feel the tightness of fascia right afrer an injury, over time it can lose hydration, stiffen up and cause immobility. Damaged fascia can create up to 2000 pounds of pressure per inch on bones and other connective tissues (muscles, organs, tendons, nerves etc.) It can eventually cause major asymmetry within the body and create major pain. You can not see fascial restrictions on an X-ray or CAT scan, so a high percentage of people who suffer from chronic pain or dysfunction may be misdiagnosed.


Myofascial release entails firm pressure to the fascia system through manual pressure with a prolonged stretch.  The prolonged stretch will be held up to 5 min per section to get a true release. The treatment also contains gentle muscle energy techniques to rebalance muscles and bones.  I can never hurt someone through this work. Although you may experience soreness from fascial restrictions releasing it will not last more than a couple of days. 

Also, because fascia restrictions can be found in the brain treatment can also release traumatic events within the body. Leading to involuntary emotional releases.